Have you been thinking about whether or not to sign up for a monthly membership? How do you know if it it's the best thing for you?
Gold Membership allows you to treat your body well by providing it with a 60 minute massage every week. The ultimate membership package, with a standing, weekly appointment time. A savings of $255 a year, and a solid commitment to your health and wellness. Need to skip a week? No problem. You can come in twice another week that month. Double the relaxation! Silver Membership adds massage to your self-care routine with twice-monthly massage sessions. Bronze Membership grants one massage session per month. Need to miss a month? Don't worry, the session rolls over into the next month. Beyond saving money, membership makes things simple. Never again will you have to remember to bring your wallet, or worry that you forgot to schedule your next session. Putting massage on autopilot removes one more thing from your neverending to-do list. Don't miss out on the best way to get regular relief from life's aches and pains.

The sale of "5 pack" massage series have been discontinued. For those of you that have purchased 5 pack series in the past, please consider signing up for a monthl membership! Of course, any series already purchased will remain until used. Any questions, please let me know. Thank you!