There have been numerous locations. Boalsburg for a couple of years, S. Atherton for over 7 years, and now (and hopefully forever) at Walker Drive. There were even a few business name changes before settling on Parisou Massage Therapy. Learning from both the positive and negative that has occurred. Too stubborn to fail. What an incredible journey it has been, and I thank you to all of you that have been here along the way.
Who's ready to see what the next ten years bring? Let's celebrate. Celebrate that you have the best massage therapist. Celebrate that we are surviving a global pandemic. Celebrate that you got out of bed and dressed today. Whatever it is, come here and celebrate with me. I'm so proud of all that I've created, I love sharing it with you, and I hope you feel the same.
Schedule your next massage soon. You know you won't regret it!
