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  • Writer's pictureKatie Parisou

The Covid-19 Vaccination is finally here! (Mostly)

I was fortunate to get my first dose of the Covid-19 vaccination this week as a healthcare provider. I was also able to help a few of my higher-risk family members to get scheduled. It has been a good week. This has led me to think about what getting a massage around receiving your vaccination might look like, and what you might need to know and/or consider for yourself.

  • I got my first (or second) vaccination. Do I need to wait before I get my next massage? As long as you do not have any symptoms after receiving the injection, you are safe to receive massage. Many have upper arm soreness arond the injection site. This can easily be worked around in a session, if your appointment is a day or two after your injection. If you are dealing with any other symptoms, such as overall muscle pain, chills, fever, swelling, nausea, etc, then you should reschedule your appointment until you are feeling well.

  • I received the vaccination. Do I still need to wear a mask? Yes. Everyone, including persons who have received both doses of vaccine, should continue to follow CDC's recommendations on wearing masks, washing hands, and social distancing. When the day comes that we no longer need to wear a mask in the massage room, I will be the first to let you know, I promise!

  • How do I sign-up to get my vaccination? Locally, Mount Nittany has a plan to allow scheduling online starting on Jan. 29, and are advising the public to check their site for more updates. Geisinger is scheduling through the MyGeisinger site in a few locations, the closest being Lewistown, Jersey Shore, and Danville. Rite-Aid, CVS and other pharmacy's are also going to be providing the vaccine; check with your local provider for more information. If any of you have trouble with finding a location to receive the vaccine, reach out to me, I am happy to try and help you get scheduled!

I am not a doctor (and thankfully I don't play one on TV either), but I am pro-vaccine, and encourage you all to get yourselves vaccinated as soon as you are able. If you have other questions about massage and getting the Covid-19 vaccination that I have not yet answered, feel free to reach out! If I don't know the answer, we will find out together. The information is constantly being updated, so there is lots to keep learning. Here is also a helpful post from The Wall Street Journal: Covid-19 Vaccine: What You Need to Know When You Get the Shot.

Stay safe, keep washing your hands, and keep your mouth and nose covered, please!!

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